Bjarne Stroupstrup’s CppCon 2020 plenary sesson, “The Beauty and Power of Primitive C++“, is now available on the CppCon YouTube channel.

From his CppCon 2020 talk description: This is an exploration of a design space close to the hardware and of the use of C++ in that space, rather than a standards proposal or the presentation of a mature tool chain. And, no, by “primitive”, I don’t mean “old-fashioned, C-like” code; some of the general techniques are old, but some of the code requires C++17 and much could be done better given features we are unlikely to get even in C++23.

Links to other replays of Bjarne’s talks at past CppCon (the C++ conference) events
- CppCon 2014: Bjarne Stroustrup “Make Simple Tasks Simple!“
- CppCon 2015: Bjarne Stroustrup “Writing Good C++14”
- CppCon 2016: Bjarne Stroustrup “The Evolution of C++ Past, Present and Future“
- CppCon 2017: Bjarne Stroustrup “Learning and Teaching Modern C++”
- CppCon 2018: Bjarne Stroustrup “Concepts: The Future of Generic Programming (the future is here)”
- CppCon 2019: Bjarne Stroustrup “C++20: C++ at 40”
A Few More Bjarne Videos (there are many others)
- Oral History of Bjarne Stroustrup – Computer History Museum
- Ask Me Anything with Bjarne Stroustrup, hosted by John Regehr
- Bjarne Stroustrup – The Essence of C++ – Recorded on 28 April 2014 at the University of Edinburgh’s George Square Lecture Theatre
My Online Conversations with Bjarne Stroustrup
I’ve also had two opportunities to talk live online with Bjarne about the C++ language during past Embarcadero CodeRage online conferences:
- A Conversation with the C++ language designer, Bjarne Stroustrup – Monday, December 10, 2012
- C++ Language Conversation with Bjarne Stroustrup and David Intersimone – Tuesday, December 4, 2018

You will find ISO C++ articles, news, books, podcasts, training courses, events, videos, product news, standardization activities, etc. on the Standard C++ Foundation site.